Created perfectly imperfect. What's that even mean?

With much going on on our world today, it is easy to lose sight of the important things. We tend to commonly see the imperfections in life—the imperfections of others, or though unwilling to admit, we internally dwell on our own imperfections.

I’ll tell ya, the journey not to overly focus on my imperfections hasn’t been an easy one. Although I’ve not had the struggle with my different appearance, I have dealt with being able to know my value…my worth…who God created me to be.

Below you’ll find one of my first videos where I briefly talk about being created perfectly imperfect.

To elaborate further as to how I fully understand that we are created imperfect, As you can read in the Bible, we are born into iniquity (sin).

Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. - Psalm 51:5 (ESV)

Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned—. Romans 5:12

The Lord created man in His image. His initial plan for all of mankind was to be fruitful and multiply, which you’ll see in Genesis 1:27-28. He goes on further in Genesis 1:31 to say that in creating man, that it was good.

As God created man, mankind was perfect, then—Genesis 3 happened. Genesis 3 is when Adam disobeyed God and it is through him that sin came into the world. Now, we are born into sin from the start.

Throughout the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, you’ll see the many pursuits of the Father pursuing His people and how often they rebelled against Him. Time and time again, Israel angered God with their sin, yet He loved them through it all. Then Christ Jesus comes into the world.

When Jesus came, He made a way for Israel and gentiles (gentiles are those who aren’t Israel) to be in right relationship with the Father again. Christ’s work on the cross is restorative since Adam fractured the relationship in the beginning.

In order to tie this all together, we indeed are created perfect in the way God our creator wants us to be; however, it is the sin that came into the world that attempted to hinder the Lord’s creation plan. We all need Christ…the Christian and the non-Christian. Christians are to be reminded on a daily, hourly, even by the minute sometimes our deep need for Jesus. Since we are sinners, we can easily be tempted to re-fracture our relationship with the Father. Thankfully we have Christ’s redeeming work on the cross to provide a way back.

Ricky Britner Jr